When 14-year-old Charlie O’Neil received Christmas money from his grandpa, instead of rushing out to spend it or stashing it in the bank, he donated the cash to Charley’s Fund. That single act of kindness wasn’t enough for Charlie, and he soon convinced his classmates to get in on the charitable action. There was a glut of bake sales at Berkshire Country Day School, so the ninth graders decided to be creative and fill a niche to raise money. Hence, the “babysitting fundraiser.” The 9th graders babysat the lower school kids, played games with them in the gym, served pizza and hosted a movie. “It’s the first date night my husband and I have had in months,” said Terri Sash who was thrilled to have a night off from the kids and support Charley’s Fund at the same time. Thank you Charlie “with an ie”, the BCD 9th grade, and faculty advisor Sue Benner. This is a fantastic fundraising idea and copycats are encouraged!