A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words, but Still Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story
Lately I’ve had trouble shaking a guilty feeling. It started a few weeks ago when I posted this photo on Facebook. I had been Facetiming…

Thrown for a Loop
May 4, 2020
Thrown for a Loop
Charley at an NYU club meeting, before the term "social distancing" became a household phrase. I know irony is supposed to be bitter, but this…

The 2019 Roller Coaster
December 27, 2019
The 2019 Roller Coaster
If I had to pick a metaphor to describe the year 2019, it would most definitely be a roller coaster. I know that’s a total…

Freeze that Moment
October 11, 2019
Freeze that Moment
After 20 years of chaos and noise and mess and cacophony (rearing three kids), Benjy and I now find ourselves with an “empty nest.” It’s weird…

A Simple Lunch
July 24, 2019
A Simple Lunch
Charley made this for lunch today. I know it’s just a midday meal, and I know that people have a tendency to over-share photos of…

Messy Moments
May 31, 2019
Messy Moments
Charley and the ladies -- Spring Break 2019. WARNING: Typically I sit down to write a blog post when a particular moment or experience strikes…

Guest Blogger! Charley Opens Up
February 28, 2019
Guest Blogger! Charley Opens Up
Once a month, Charley shares his musings on life with Charley's Coffee Club, our dedicated group of donors who've signed up to make automatic monthly…

Dodge Ball Win
November 30, 2018
Dodge Ball Win
I recently came across some old photos. They depict Charley in fifth grade winning a dodge ball tournament. Yes, you got that right. As you…

Happy to be Here, In the Moment
August 31, 2018
Happy to be Here, In the Moment
The relief in Charley’s voice was audible, even though the cell phone connection wasn’t crystal clear. You have no idea how happy I am to…